Tuesday, April 21, 2009


The Blarney Stone is a block of bluestone built into the battlements of Blarney Castle, Cork County, Ireland. The castle was built in 1446 and now is a popular tourist site.

Kissing the Blarney Stone is an Irish custom. The legend tells that the kisser would be endowed the talent of gab: great eloquence and persuasiveness. Some people believe if you kiss someone who kissed the Blarney Stone, you would also obtain the gift of gab.

Today, a person might be accused of being “full of Blarney” if he or she talks bunch of empty flattery.


Location of Blarney Stone: TOP of BLARNEY CASTLE - Outer side

Location of Blarney Stone: Inner side and the kissing line

Kissing the Blarney Stone: A

Kissing the Blarney Stone: B

Saturday, September 16, 2006

沧海一声笑...... 沧海笑,滔滔两岸潮,浮沉随浪记今朝; 苍天笑,纷纷世上潮,谁负谁胜出天知晓; 江山笑,烟雨遥,涛浪淘尽红尘俗事知多少; 清风笑,竟惹寂寥,豪情还剩,一襟晚照 沧海笑,滔滔两岸潮,浮沉随浪记今朝; 苍天笑,纷纷世上潮,谁负谁胜出天知晓; 江山笑,烟雨遥,涛浪淘尽红尘俗事知多少; 苍生笑,不再寂寥,豪情仍在痴痴笑笑

Sunday, January 01, 2006


When the new year of 2006 is coming now , what shall I present you, Honey?
The world is colorful, the world is gray, and the world is just a supplement, to you and to me.
Just a supplement ...

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Now, we are concluding trades program and find out what we expected all the while is not in hand. I have to thereby, rethink my goal and wants, and make sure it be accessible in the coming days.
For the further career, paving the way means going into attractive occupations with skills and knowledge available. I checked superpages onlie and was excited that making cold call is really a popular way for the sake of abundant information resources, the phone number, mailing address and corporate webpage as well, but it depends on your luck
Of course, it is requisite to challenge exams for trades ticket or red-seal license. Provided, time and money acquirable, BCIT, even universities, are worthwhile options.

Monday, November 21, 2005

Saturday, November 19, 2005


一、区际公交票价的逃票风险 某地公交分三区,乘车票价按跨越的区数递增,故而居住在区界附近的乘客经常有逃票行为。 其风险取决于:乘车成本(票价是否易于接受)、乘车监督机制(一般为上车投币购票或预售车票,无专职售票员,仅设抽查人员)、社会公共道德水平(基于社会平均收入水平和生活水平)、社会信用体制(在超前消费的社会,人们崇尚良好的个人信用,并有强力制度约束)等,其中的核心制约因素应为健全的社会信用体制。// 二、“珠三角”民工荒的背后 “珠三角”民工问题体现了在劳资博弈失衡的条件下,宏观政策的调整不及时以及政府管理职能的缺失。/民工主要服务于对知识和科技需求不大的劳动密集型产业,而该产业曾经是珠三角外向型经济发展的重点,随着其产业结构优化和升级,增长点逐步转向技术密集型的产业方向上来,这意味着珠三角地区的民工需求增长不再如从前,甚至在某些行业出现停滞和副增长。与此同时,大量农村富余劳动力在内陆交通日趋发达的情况下仍然以高比例的正输出向经济发达地区转移。这意味着宏观上民工供给始终为正增长。/按上述条件,珠三角地区的劳资博弈(主要通过工资及福利待遇来反应)始终以强力剥削民工的劳动价值为基点,十余年来各类物资价格均上涨的条件下,民工名义工资难见上涨。实际上还下降了。/然而,国家宏观经济政策的调整,促就了新的经济增长极,长三角和环渤海地区的积极发展,削弱了珠三角一支独秀的单增长极优势。加上区域及省级经济增长点的强化,民工的从业地点选择多样化、且更趋于理性,因而放弃珠三角也是合情合理的过程。/政府提出“效率优先、兼顾公平”的发展思维,是在国内区域经济差距拉大、发展速度出现较大失衡、区域内贫富差距急速扩张、社会稳定隐患加重的条件下才提出来。/无论如何,社会的健康、稳定、持续发展,在劳资博弈的互动过程中,政府有责任在分配体系的公平性决策方面不断加以改进。一旦该职能缺失,最终对可持续发展产生危害。// 在这里我想起慈禧的那句“宁与外贼,不予家奴”,高额利润其实都在国外进口商一端,我们却在拼命压榨自己可怜的同胞,直到他们彻底失望。这种景象在各行各业都有的......

Friday, November 18, 2005

snow-caped ridges of north mountains

It's a great surprise, I found at noon time the mountains northwards appears white-caped ridges, when I left residence and headed for ISS to meet my case manager. / Here is really Winter now. She approaches you in a silent way and smiles proudly in the sunshining afternoon. / I do feel clearly the glacial smell from the north. The world is sinking, I think. The school playground was free from happy kids and the pedestrians fewer. I walked through Minoru Park, only seeing geese and crows enjoying sunlights, but where gone the squirrel? ... some scattered ducks in the ditch... ... //Silvia had a meeting this afternoon and she taught the workshop in the morning. I faxed my resume to horizonfiberglass co. before she had time to talk to me. Unfortunately, the resume sent in was not eligible. She indicated a functional one was preferable.